RAPID Schema Definition Language (RSDL) Syntax
This grammar uses ABNF as defined by RFC5234, with the addition for case-sensitive strings defined by RFC7405
Note: to increase readability of the grammar, whitespace is not reflected
Syntax rules
model = OWS [ namespace RWS ] *include [ modelElement *( RWS modelElement ) ] [ OWS service ] [ OWS paths ] OWS
namespace = %s"namespace" RWS qualifiedName
include = %s"include" RWS DQUOTE 1*CHAR DQUOTE RWS %s"as" RWS identifier RWS
modelElement = ( structuredType / enumType / typeDefinition )
Structured Type
structuredType = annotations [ %s"abstract" RWS ] %s"type" RWS identifier [ %s"extends" RWS qualifiedName ] OWS "{" *( OWS structuredTypeMember ) OWS "}"
structuredTypeMember = property / operation ; property, action, or function
property = singlePropertyDefinition [ OWS (primitivePropertyCapabilities / singleNavigationCapabilities) ]
/ collectionPropertyDefinition [ OWS ( collectionCapabilities / collectionNavigationCapabilities) ]
singlePropertyDefinition = annotations [propertyModifier RWS] identifier OWS ":" OWS singleTypeReference
collectionPropertyDefinition = annotations identifier OWS ":" OWS collectionTypeReference
propertyModifier = %s"key"
singleTypeReference = typeName [ "?" ]
collectionTypeReference = "[" typeName [ "?" ] "]"
typeReference = singleTypeReference / collectionTypeReference
typeName = builtInType / edmType / qualifiedName
builtInType = %s"Boolean"
/ %s"DateTime"
/ %s"Date"
/ %s"Decimal" [ "(" precision "," scale ")"]
/ %s"Double"
/ %s"Duration"
/ %s"Integer"
/ %s"String" [ "(" maxLength ")" ]
/ %s"TimeOfDay"
edmType = %s"Edm" "." identifier
operation = annotations operationKind RWS identifier OWS
"(" OWS [ parameter *( OWS "," OWS parameter) OWS ] ")"
[ OWS ":" OWS annotations typeReference ]
[ separator collectionNavCapabilities ]
operationKind = %s"action" / %s"function"
parameter = annotations identifier OWS ":" OWS typeReference
Enumeration Type
enumType = annotations ( %s"enum" / %s"flags" ) RWS identifier OWS "{" OWS 1*enumMember "}"
enumMember = annotations identifier OWS
Type Definition
typeDefinition = annotations %s"typedef" RWS identifier OWS ":" OWS ( builtInType / edmType )
service = annotations %s"service" [ RWS identifier ] OWS "{" OWS serviceMember *( RWS serviceMember ) OWS "}"
serviceMember = annotations ( entitySet / singleton / serviceOperation )
entitySet = identifier OWS ":" OWS "[" qualifiedName "]" [ OWS collectionNavigationCapabilities ]
singleton = identifier OWS ":" OWS qualifiedName [ OWS singleNavigationCapabilities ]
serviceOperation = operationKind RWS identifier
OWS "(" OWS [ parameter *(OWS "," OWS parameter) OWS ] ")"
[ OWS ":" OWS annotations typeReference ]
annotations = *( annotation RWS )
annotation = "@" qualifiedName [ "#" identifier ] OWS ":" OWS annotationValue / DOC-COMMENT
annotationValue = %s"true"
/ %s"false"
/ %s"null"
/ number
/ "[" OWS [ annotationValue *( separator annotationValue ) OWS [ "," OWS ] ] "]"
/ "{" OWS [ annotationProperty *( separator annotationProperty ) OWS [ "," OWS ] ] "}"
/ "." *( "/" identifier )
annotationProperty = propertyName OWS ":" OWS annotationValue
propertyName = identifier / DQUOTE 1*CHAR DQUOTE / "@" qualifiedName [ "#" identifier ]
Model Capabilities
primitivePropertyCapability = "filterable" [ OWS filterOptions ] / "orderable" [ OWS orderByDirection ]
primitivePropertyCapabilities = "{" OWS [ primitivePropertyCapability *( separator primitivePropertyCapability )] OWS "}"
singleNavigationCapability = ("READ" / "UPDATE" / "REPLACE") [ OWS navCapabilities ] / "DELETE" noOptions
singleNavigationCapabilities = "{" OWS [ singleNavigationCapability *( separator singleNavigationCapability )] OWS "}"
collectionNavigationCapability = "DELETE" OWS noOptions
/ "LIST" [ OWS collectionNavCapabilities ]
/ ("READ" / "CREATE" / "REPLACE" / "UPDATE") [ OWS navCapabilities ]
collectionNavigationCapabilities = "{" OWS [ collectionNavigationCapability *( separator collectionNavigationCapability )] OWS "}"
paths = %s"paths" OWS "{" *( OWS "/" path ) OWS "}"
path = propertySegment "/" keySegment [ pathSegment / ( RWS singleNavPathCapabilities ) ]
/ serviceOperationSegment "/" keySegment [ pathSegment / ( RWS singleNavPathCapabilities ) ]
/ serviceOperationSegment [ pathSegment / ( RWS capabilities ) ]
/ castSegment [ pathSegment / ( RWS capabilities ) ]
/ propertySegment [ pathSegment / ( RWS capabilities ) ]
propertySegment = identifier; structural or navigation property
pathSegment = "/" path
castSegment = identifier 1*( "." identifier ) ; qualified type name
keySegment = "{" keyProperty "}"
keyProperty = identifier ; name of the key property
serviceOperationSegment = identifier parameters [ "/" castSegment ] [ "/" keySegment ]
parameters = "(" OWS [ parameterSpecification *( "," OWS parameterSpecification ) OWS ] ")"
parameterSpecification = identifier OWS "=" OWS "{" identifier "}"
capabilities = singlePathCapabilities / collectionPathCapabilities / singleNavPathCapabilities / collectionNavPathCapabilities
Path Capabilities
singlePathCapability = ("GET" / "PUT" / "PATCH" / "DELETE") [noOptions]
singlePathCapabilities = "{" OWS [singlePathCapability *( separator singlePathCapability) OWS] "}"
collectionPathCapability = "GET" [ collectionCapabilities ] / "POST" [noOptions]
collectionPathCapabilities = "{" OWS [ collectionPathCapability *( separator collectionPathCapability ) OWS ] "}"
singleNavPathCapability = ("GET" / "PATCH" / "PUT") [ OWS navCapabilities ] / "DELETE" noOptions
singleNavPathCapabilities = "{" OWS [singleNavPathCapability *( separator singleNavPathCapability ) OWS ] "}"
collectionNavPathCapability = "GET" [ OWS collectionNavCapabilities ] / "POST" [ OWS navCapabilities ]
collectionNavPathCapabilities = "{" OWS [ collectionNavPathCapability *( separator collectionNavPathCapability ) OWS ] "}"
Capability Elements
collectionCapability = filterCapability / orderByCapability / "top" / "skip" / "count"
collectionCapabilities = "{" OWS [ collectionCapability *( separator collectionCapability ) OWS ] "}"
collectionNavCapability = collectionCapability / navCapability
collectionNavCapabilities = "{" OWS [ collectionNavCapability *( separator collectionNavCapability ) OWS ] "}"
navCapability = "expand" [ OWS "{" OWS [ expandProperty *( OWS "," OWS expandProperty OWS ) ] OWS "}" ]
navCapabilities = "{" OWS [ navCapability OWS ] "}"
expandProperty = star / [ castSegment "/" ] navigationProperty ( [ OWS collectionNavCapabilities ] / [ OWS navCapabilities ] )
navigationProperty = identifier ; single or collection valued navigation property
filterCapability = "filter" [ "{" [ OWS filterProperty *( "," OWS filterProperty OWS ) ] "}" ]
filterProperty = ( ( [ typeName "/" ] propertyName ) / allProperties) [ OWS filterOptions ]
allProperties = star [ "/" typeName ] ; all properties, optionally of a given type
filterOptions = "{" OWS [ filterOperations OWS ] "}"
filterOperations = "none" ; not filterable
/ "eq" ; eq
/ "comp" ; eq, gt, ge, lt, le
/ "stringComp" ; eq, gt, ge, lt, le, startswith, endswith, contains
/ "string" ; eq, startswith, endswith, contains
orderByCapability = "orderby" [ OWS orderByProperties ]
orderByProperties = "{" OWS [ orderByProperty *( "," OWS orderByProperty OWS ) ] "}"
orderByProperty = allProperties / propertyName [ OWS orderByDirection ]
orderByDirection ="{" [ OWS ascOrDesc [ "," OWS ascOrDesc OWS ] ] "}"
ascOrDesc = "asc" / "desc"
noOptions = OWS "{" OWS "}"
Core Syntax Elements
qualifiedName = identifier *( "." identifier )
identifier = identInitial *identSubsequent
identInitial = ALPHA / "_" ; Note: actually all Unicode letters
identSubsequent = identInitial / DIGIT
separator = OWS "," OWS / RWS
star = "*"
number = integer [ "." 1*DIGIT ] [ "e" integer ]
integer = [ "+" / "-" ] ( %x30 / %x31-39 *DIGIT )
precision = integer
scale = integer
maxLength = integer
DOC-COMMENT = "##" *( %x0-9 / %xB-C / %xE-10FFFF)
ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A
DIGIT = %x30-39
CHAR = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-10FFFF
DQUOTE = %x22 ; "
ESCAPE = %x5C ; \
RWS = 1*WS
WS = %x8 / %xA / %xD / %x20 ; TAB, LF, CR, SPACE