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Paths in a RAPID Service

The set of valid paths for a RAPID service is the result of applying common path conventions to the model, as described below. You can optionally specify a subset of these paths that are supported by your service using explicit paths in your RSDL.

Service Root

The service element in RSDL defines the segments that are available at the service root:

service {
company: Company

Supported Path


Key Segment

Path segments that represent a collection of structured types with identity may be followed by a segment containing the name of the key property enclosed in parens as a placeholder for the key value of an instance within the collection.

service {
competitors: [Company]

type Company
key stockSymbol: String

Supported Paths

/competitors /competitors/{stockSymbol}

where {stockSymbol} is a placeholder for the stock symbol of a competitor.

Structured Properties

Path segments that represent a single structured type can be followed by the name of a property defined on that structured type:

service {
company: Company

type Company
key stockSymbol: String
employees: [Employee]

type Employee
key id: Integer

Supported Paths

/company /company/employees /company/employees/{id}

where {id} is placeholder for an employee's id.

Nested Operations

The name of a nested operation may follow a segment of the specified type in which the operation is defined:

service {
company: Company

type Company
topEmployees(num: Integer): [Employee]
action youreFired(reason: String)

Supported Paths

/company /company/topEmployees(num={num}) /company/topEmployees(num={num})/{id} /company/youreFired(reason='{reason}')

where {num} is a placeholder for a number, {id} is a placeholder for an employee's id, and {reason} is a placeholder for a reason.