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Expressing Capabilities in RAPID Schema Definition Language (RSDL)

RAPID uses a Schema Definition Language (RSDL) to describe the structure of a REST service. Developers can be annotate their schema model with capabilities in order to describe the capabilities of their service.

Annotating Model Elements

Model elements are the service, operations, types, and properties defined in in an RSDL Schema.

Capabilities applied to model elements determine the set of paths and capabilities implemented by the service. The developer can generate a set of paths and capabilities from the annotated model to explore or further refine the supported functionality.

Capabilities for a model element are specified in curly braces following the model element definition. Omitting a capability within the curly braces means that capability is not supported. If no curly braces follow the model element, a default set of capabilities is assumed.

Support for reading data

A top level singleton or single-valued navigation property can be annotated with the READ capability to show that it supports reading.

service {
company: Company { READ }

States that the path GET /company is supported.

Applying the READ capability to a top-level collection or collection valued navigation property states that individual members of the collection can be read using their key value.

service {
competitors: [Company] { READ }

type Company
key stockSymbol: String

States that the path GET /competitors/{stockSymbol} is supported.

Read Options

The READ capability can be further refined to specify the specific read capabilities that are supported. If no curly braces follow the READ capability then a default set of capabilities is assumed. If empty curly braces follow the READ capability then the value can be read, but none of the read options are supported.

Expand Option

The expand option within the READ capability specifies that navigation properties within the referenced type can be expanded.

service {
company: Company { READ { expand } }

The expand option alone means that all navigation properties within the referenced type can be expanded. So, for example, the user can specify GET /company?$expand=employees.

The expand option may be followed by a list of individual navigation properties that can be expanded.

service {
company: Company { READ { expand { employees } } }

Means that only the employees navigation property can be expanded.

Nested Expand Options

The expand option followed by an empty set of curly braces means that no properties can be expanded.

Collection-valued navigation properties can include nested expand expand, filter, orderBy, top/skip and count options, as appropriate.

In the example:

service {
company: Company { READ { expand { employees { top, skip, count, filter, orderby } } } }

top, skip, count, filter, and orderby query options are supported when expanding employees from company:

GET /company?expand=employees(top=10;skip=1;count=true;filter=lastName eq 'Jetson';orderby=firstName)

Expand options can be applied to all navigation properties not otherwise specified using the *

service {
company: Company { READ { expand { * { top, skip, count, filter, orderby } } } }

top, skip, count, filter, and orderby query options are supported when expanding all navigation properties from company.

If no curly braces follow a collection-valued navigation property, then top, skip, count, filter, and orderby are all assumed to be supported.

Additionally, if no curly braces follow a navigation property or *, then it is assumed that expand supports nested expands according to the capabilities of each navigation property of the target type, recursively.

If the navigation property or * is suffixed by empty curly braces, then no expand options are supported when expanding the property.

Listing Collections

A top level collection can be annotated with the LIST capability to show that it supports listing members.

service {
competitors: [Company] { LIST }

States that the path GET /competitors is supported.

Similarly, a collection-valued navigation property can be annotated with the same capability:

service {
company: Company { READ }
competitors: [Company] { LIST, READ }

type Company
key stockSymbol: String
name: String
incorporated: Date
employees: [Employee] { LIST, READ }

The LIST capability on competitors means that the path GET /competitors is supported.

The LIST capability on employees, along with the READ capability on competitors, means that the path GET /competitors/employees is supported.

The LIST capability on employees, together with the READ capability on company, means that the path GET /company/{stockSymbol}/employees is supported.

If there are no curly braces following a top-level collection or collection-valued navigation property within a type, it is assumed to support LIST and READ, as well as CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE.

List Options

The LIST capability can be followed by a set of options that specify what capabilities the service supports when enumerating the collection.

LIST options include expand, filter, orderBy, top and skip, and count. If no options are supported, it is assumed that expand, filter, orderby, top, skip, and count are all supported when listing the collection. If an empty curly brace follows the LIST capability, it means that no list options are supported.

Filter Option

The filter option specifies that a filter can be applied when listing the collection.

service {
competitors: [Company] { LIST { filter }, READ }

Specifies that the filter query option can be used when listing competitors.

The filter option may be followed by a list of individual navigation properties that can be filtered, optionally followed by a filter option.

service {
competitors: [Company] { LIST { filter { name {stringComp} } } }

The competitors collection can be filtered by name using the string comparison operators.

If no curly braces follow the filter option, then the filterable capability, if present on a property, is used to determine whether or not that property can be filtered upon. If filter is followed by empty curly braces, then the collection does not support filtering on any properties.

Filterable capability

Individual properties of the collection type may be annotated with the filterable capability to show that they can be used when filtering a collection of that type.

type Company
key stockSymbol: String { filterable }
name: String { filterable }
incorporated: Date { filterable }
employees: [Employee] { LIST { filter }, READ }

Specifies that filterable collections of companies can be filtered on stockSymbol, name, and incorporated.

Filter Operations

The filterable capability can include a filter operation to specify the filter operators that can be applied when filtering by the property:

  name: String { filterable { stringComp } }

Possible values for filter operations are as follows:

Property Typefilter operationsupported filter operators
any primitivenonenot filterable
any primitiveeqeq
any primitivecompeq, gt, ge, lt, le
stringstringeq, startswith, endswith, contains
stringstringCompeq, gt, ge, lt, le, startswith, endswith, contains

Properties that do not have a filterable capability, or that have a filterable capability with no specified filter option, are assumed to be filterable in collections that support filtering using the filter operators appropriate to their type.

OrderBy Option

The orderby option within the LIST capability specifies that an orderby can be applied when listing the collection.

service {
competitors: [Company] { LIST { filter, orderby }, READ }

Specifies that the orderby query option can be used when listing competitors.

The orderby option may be followed by a list of individual properties that can be ordered, optionally followed by a filter option.

service {
competitors: [Company] { LIST { orderby { name {asc, desc} } } }

The competitors collection can be ordered by name in ascending or descending order.

If no curly braces follow the orderby option, then the orderability capability, if present on a property, is used to determine whether or not that property can be ordered by. If orderby is followed by empty curly braces, then the collection does not support ordering on any properties.

Orderable capability

Individual properties of the collection type may be annotated with the orderable capability to show that they can be used when ordering a collection of that type.

type Company
key stockSymbol: String { orderable }
name: String { orderable }
incorporated: Date { orderable }
employees: [Employee] { LIST { filter, orderby }, READ }

Orderable collections of Company can be ordered on stockSymbol, name, and incorporated.

The orderable capability can include the set of orderby options to specify whether the property can be ordered ascending, descending, or both.

  name: String { orderable { asc, desc} }

The name property can be ordered by ascending (asc) or descending (desc).

Primitive properties that do not have an orderable capability, or that have a orderable capability without specifying asc or desc, are assumed to be orderable in ascending or descending order.

Top and Skip Options

The top and skip option within the LIST capability specify that top and skip query options can be used when listing the collection.

service {
competitors: [Company] { LIST { top, skip }, READ }

The top and skip query option can be used when listing competitors.

Count Option

The count option within the LIST capability specify that the count query option can be used when listing the collection.

service {
competitors: [Company] { LIST { count }, READ }

The count query option can be used when listing competitors.

Support For Modifying Data

Capabilities can be applied to top-level collections and collection-valued navigation properties to specify whether they support POST, PATCH, PUT, or DELETE operations.

If no capabilities are applied to a top-level collection, or to a collection-valued navigation property, it is assumed to support POST, PATCH, and DELETE, as well as GET, but not PUT.

Create Support

The CREATE capability can be applied to a collection of navigation values to state that members can be inserted into the collection.

service {
competitors: [Company] { CREATE }

type Company
key stockSymbol: String
employees: [Employee] { CREATE }

States that the paths POST /competitors and POST /competitors/{stockSymbol}/employees are supported.

Create Options

The CREATE capability can be followed by the expand option to specify that the expand query option can be applied to the POST request in order to include related resources when returning the created item.

service {
competitors: [Company] { CREATE { expand { employees } } }

States that the path POST /competitors?expand=employees is supported to return the new competitor along with related employees.

Update Support

The UPDATE capability can be applied to a navigation property to state that the property is updatable.

service {
company: Company { UPDATE }

States that the path PATCH /company is supported.

The UPDATE capability can also be applied to an entity set or collection-valued navigation property to state that individual members of the collection can be updated.

service {
competitors: [Company] { UPDATE }

type Company
key stockSymbol: String
employees: [Employee] { UPDATE }

States that the paths PATCH /competitors/{stockSymbol} and PATCH /competitors/{stockSymbol}/employees/{id} are supported.

Update Options

The UPDATE capability can be followed by the expand option to specify that the expand query option can be applied to the PATCH request in order to include related resources when returning the updated item.

service {
company: Company { UPDATE { expand { employees } } }

States that the path PATCH /company?expand=employees is supported to return the related employees along with the updated competitor.

Replace Support

The REPLACE capability can be applied to a navigation property to state that the property can be replaced.

service {
company: Company { REPLACE }

States that the path PUT /company is supported.

The REPLACE capability can be applied to an entity set or collection-valued navigation property to state that individual members of the collection can be replaced.

service {
competitors: [Company] { REPLACE }
type Company
key stockSymbol: String
employees: [Employee] { REPLACE }

States that the paths States that the path PUT /competitors/{stockSymbol} and PUT /competitors{stockSymbol}/employees/{id} are supported.

Replace Options

The REPLACE capability can be followed by the expand option to specify that the expand query option can be applied the PUT request in order to include related resources when returning the replaced item.

service {
company: Company { REPLACE { expand { employees } } }

States that the path PUT /company?expand=employees is supported to return the related employees along with the competitor.

Delete Support

The DELETE capability can be applied to a navigation property to state that the property can be deleted.

service {
company: Company { DELETE {} }

States that the path DELETE /company is supported.

The DELETE capability can also be applied to an entity set or collection-valued navigation property to state that individual members of the collection can be deleted.

service {
competitors: [Company] { DELETE{} }
type Company
key stockSymbol: String
employees: [Employee] { DELETE{} }

States that the paths DELETE /competitors/{stockSymbol} and DELETE /competitors/{stockSymbol}/employees/{id} are supported.

Delete options

The DELETE capability does not support any delete options and must be followed by empty braces {} to denote that no query options are supported.

Operation Support

Operations that return a single result can be followed by expand to specify that the expand query option can be applied the request in order to include related resources when returning the result.

service {
topCompany() : Company { expand { employees } }
type Company
key stockSymbol: String
employees: [Employee]

States that the path GET /topCompany?expand=employees is supported to return the related employees along with the top company.

In addition to expand, operations that return a collection can be followed by any of the LIST capability options to specify filter, orderby, top, skip, and count support.

service {
topCompanies( num: Integer ) : [Company] { filter, orderby, top, skip, count, expand }

States that query options filter, orderby, top, skip, count, and expand are all supported when calling topCompanies.

Default Capabilities

Not applying capabilities to a model element means that you support the default capabilities for that element, as defined in the following table:

Model ElementDefault Capabilities
Top-level collection or collection-valued navigation propertyLIST, READ, CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE
Singleton or single-valued navigation propertyREAD

Annotating Paths
